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Join Bibleman and His Team on three exciting adventures! 1. Clobbering the Crusher (An Adventure in Gentleness) Even his evil henchmen are afraid of the Crusher. But this most violent villain is also wickedly clever, luring Bibleman and Cypher into a deadly trap, and using schoolkids as bait. Can Bibleman rescue the kids before Crusher destroys them all? Based on the Bible story of Rehoboam, this adventure offers a lesson in gentleness. 2. Braving the Big Battle with the Baroness (An Adventure in Forgiveness) Nobody expects an English tutor named BaronessFitzhugh-Ferguson to win a congeniality award. But her influence on the Woodson kids is awful: does she wantto turn them against each other? Bibleman knows she's a villain, but can he stop her before the family is ruined? Based on the Bible story ofCain and Abel, this adventure offers a lesson in forgiveness. 3. Repelling the Ronin of Wrong (An Adventure in Goodness) Talk about a knock-down-drag-out battle! Bibleman is in a fight for his life trapped in an underground tunnel with a ruthless, twin-sword-wielding villain. Yes, our man in purple chased the bad guy away from the summer camp kids, but should he have followed Ronin down here? Based on the Bible story of theGood Samaritan, this adventure offers a lesson in goodness.


Bibleman: Melting The Master Of Mean: DVD was published by B&H Publishing Group in October 2016 and now a best seller.

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